How to Earn FUT 13 Coins by Charging Interest


Better that being rich, just being richer. At least in FUT 13.
Money buys (almost) everything and those who already have much, always wants to have more.
A good way to get rich continually is to borrow coins. Learn in this article how to do it.


How to earn FUT 13 Coins by borrowing coins ?


There are players who need a small investment to start their fortune. Often, the only chance to start this is to borrow money. If you have many coins, you can borrow them and collect them later with interest. This interest is your gain.

Read the rest of the article to know the best way to maximize that profit.


The 3 Step Method


Here is what you should do to earn FIFA 13 Ultimate Team coins by charging interest:

  • Step 1 – Find

The first step is to find someone you trust that are interested in a loan.

  • Step 2 – Borrow

Borrow the agreed FUT 13 coins. You can do this by placing a card in the auction market.

  • Step 3 – Get the Coins

At the end of the agreed period for the loan, request a refund of the amount borrowed plus interest.

FUT 13 Coins - Charging Interest

The loan and the refund can be made by placing a card in the auction market


Optimize this Method


The optimization of this method is mainly based on your negotiating skills.
The higher the interest rate you negotiate, the greater the amount of coins you will receive.

It is also important to remember that the term of the loan should be adjusted to your needs. Overly short will mean low interest rates. The opposite could mean the loss of other good deals and opportunities to strengthen the squad by lack of liquidity.


How many FUT 13 Coins can I earn with this Method ?


The amount of coins you can earn varies.
Normally it is considered a good interest rate, all to overcome the 15%.
In a hypothetical scenario of loan 100k coins for 15 days at a rate of 20%, we get about 20k coins as a prize of this deal.


Advantages and Disadvantages of this Method


To apply this method, you will need to have many coins that you don’t need for some time. This is a requirement difficult to fulfill.
Even more difficult is to find someone of much confidence who can borrow coins.

Fulfilled these two premises, the method may prove to be highly advantageous.
You do not have to waste time looking for the market, it is very simple and generally well paid.

Good profits.
You almost haven’t to do anything.
High risk of non-payment.
Need to have high amount of coins that can dispense temporarily.

Should I use this Method ?


We believe that it is better not to apply it. The risk of we borrow coins and definitely stay without them is too high.

But if you do not have time to apply other methods, have a fat wallet and have checked very carefully to who you will borrow, this solution can be advantageous.


8 thoughts on “How to Earn FUT 13 Coins by Charging Interest”

  1. i under stand this is a risk and i would highly under stand if you did not
    but i am in a need of 100k -200k and i will give an extra 20 k as the intrest
    i would really love if some one could loan me because i am a really good trader all i need is more coins so i can be trading with the people like neymar and bale and to re in sure you i will buy coins of the inter net if this dose not work and i lose money and dont have coins to pay you back. add me on xbox if you need to talk to me my gt is Night Zeph Gb

  2. Hi,

    I’m new to your page and i must say it is awesome!
    So many helpful tips and I personally think EA should hire you for the work and effort you have put into this website!

    I had read somewhere that you have useful tips into making not thousands but millions of coins.
    Would you be willing to share and I’ll do the same by posting this link on my social networking sites?


    1. Hi.
      First of all, thanks for your support.
      We work very hard to bring you everything about FUT.
      We are specialized on FUT. Making coins is one of the matters that we have a large knowledge. We already have a post showing how we made more than 3 millions coins until now on FUT 13.
      We want to explain it very very well and it isn’t easy to do it because there are lot’s of things to explain. Making coins isn’t difficult but it is hard work. It takes time. We published some articles about this subject on January and we will continue to do it on February and March. We will gather all these articles in one single article when we finish to publish it.

  3. what happens if the person does not give your money back.This is a risky way to earn coins

    1. Hi. Absolutely true. This is a risky way to earn coins. That’s why we put this problem as the main disadvantage of this method. But there are people that do it.
      We will publish several more articles explaining how to make coins. The first ones are the worse.

    2. Well if someone wants to borrow coins from you then you ask them for a card in return. If they don’t pay back the money, you get to keep the card now. Obviously don’t let someone borrow 2000 coins for a lame bronze player.

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