FIFA 22 Attributes are responsible for determining a player’s quality, and knowing them well can give you the opportunity to choose your team more efficiently.
Q: What is the importance of FIFA 22 attributes?
A: One of the good things about this game is that you can pick the players that best suit the needs of your team. This is made thanks to the attributes.

Q: Why I shouldn’t pick players based on their face stats?
A: Most of the gamers only pay attention to the six main attributes: pace, shooting, passing, dribbling, defending and physical. It is not enough. They only show, in a general way, how the player is. It’s a kind of summary. To choose the right player you should look to each one of more than 30 FIFA 22 attributes each player has.

Q: Where can I find the description of each attribute?
A: From acceleration to volleys, not forgetting composure and all the other FIFA 22 attributes, you will find in this page a complete explanation about what they are and how they can help you.

Q:How reliable is the information provided on this page?
A: This guide of FIFA 22 attributes is based on the information provided by Electronic Arts to their own data reviewers.