FIFA 15 Gameplay Tips: Penalty Tutorial

FIFA 15 Gameplay Tips: Penalty Tutorial


Increasing your penalty score rate means increasing your success in FIFA 15.
In this tutorial we’ll share the best tips regarding scoring with penalties.


TOP 3 Penalty Tips for FIFA 15

Choose the best players

Yes, this may seem like a basic tip but, in reality, most times players tend to be careless when choosing the best player for a penalty. This happens for them being lazy or ending up forgetting, or even because they don’t know who has the best penalty stats. If that’s the case, you can view this important information in the player selection box by pressing RT/R2 before your take the penalty. If you play Ultimate Team, you should go to squad settings (Y/Triangle on the active squad menu) and define your penalty kicker. This way you don’t have to switch players every time you’re going to take a penalty.

FIFA 15 Gameplay Tips: Penalty Tutorial


Once again, this may seem like a basic tip but it will actually increase your success rate on penalties. Go to the arena (play – practice arena) and press left on the D-Pad. This way you’ll have access to the penalties training ground. Activate the aim mark pressing LT/L2. Now you’ll be able to see if you’re giving too much or little direction to the kick, and you can practice your shot power.

Try also changing the kicker to see what changes when you choose a bad player for penalties. You have the aim mark moving faster now and you can also see that the green area got smaller, plus the blue circle expands, which increases your chances to fail.

You don’t need to practice much to get sharp on this. If you’re a perfectionist, however, you can also clear the penalty skill games.

Right aiming, power and direction

Your success when taking a penalty depends basically on three factors: aiming, power and direction. If you follow our tips, you’ll rarely miss one.

We’ll start with the aiming. The objective is to hit the green spot, the centre of the bar. This is the least you should do in order to be successful. Don’t get ahead of yourself, take your time to see how long it takes for the cursor to get through the bar at least twice so you notice how sooner you have to press shoot. If you miss it and hit red, the shot will go wide.

When shooting, you need to hold down the shoot button for as long as you feel like the shot power should go. Within ideal conditions, you should try filling the bar with something between 2/4 and 3/4 of its full length. On practice, give priority to filling 3/4 of the bar because this way the shot will go a bit higher, so it’ll be more difficult for the goalkeeper to make the save. Anything beyond that may end up with the shot going wide or hitting the post. Anything less than that will end up making the shot weaker therefore more likely to be saved by the keeper.

Normally the direction is where many players fail, mostly when setting a height for their shot. Direction is controlled by the Left Stick, but instead of just moving it when your player is about to shoot, you should hold it to the direction you want for about one or two seconds and then release. If you hold it for more than 2 seconds you’ll take the risk of missing the target. In order to get your timing right you should execute our second tip.




FIFA 15 Gameplay Tips: Penalty Tutorial


On Xbox controllers
B Button

On Playstation controllers

Compared to FIFA 14
No alterations.

This is the most common type of penalty take and it’s the most efficient. If you hit the green spot and fill 3/4 of the bar you already have great chances of success even if you aim to the middle because the only way the goalkeeper will save it is if the opponent holds up the Left Stick, which is something that rarely happens.




FIFA 15 Gameplay Tips: Penalty Tutorial


On Xbox controllers
LB + B Button

On Playstation controllers
L1 + circle

Compared to FIFA 14
No alterations.

These penalty takes have the advantage of beating the goalkeeper even if he dives to the correct direction, the ball will get through because of its low speed. However, its efficiency is always inferior to the regular penalty take. These are especially useful for psychology disputes when going to a penalties decision.




FIFA 15 Gameplay Tips: Penalty Tutorial


On Xbox controllers
Press B just before the player goes to strike the ball

On Playstation controllers
Press circle just before the player goes to strike the ball

Compared to FIFA 14
No alterations.

This type of penalty take is useful for making the goalkeeper indicate the direction he’s going to dive to, then you can change your aim.




FIFA 15 Gameplay Tips: Penalty Tutorial


On Xbox controllers
RB + B Button

On Playstation controllers
R1 + circle

Compared to FIFA 14
No alterations.

We don’t recommend this type of penalty take because it doesn’t bring any significant advantages alongside the others.



Every two weeks, we publish a new high quality FIFA 15 Gameplay guide.
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6 thoughts on “FIFA 15 Gameplay Tips: Penalty Tutorial”

  1. Hi,

    I also thought that i observered the effect that speed of cursor differs. In my opinion it depends on how stressed your player is. Important penalty or not.
    Try to compare with situations where the penalty does not decide the game.

  2. one very strange thing:

    when i have a regular penalty in the game or in practice, the same players have a very slow moving cursor. so its pretty easy to score.
    but as soon as it goes into penalties after extra time,….. the cursor for all the same players goes crazy. it runs from left to right and right to left like its on drugs.
    is this normal? i don’t get it since it makes it impossible to train for that.

  3. Nice guide for those that are keen on knowing how to improve your penalty-taking abilities (maybe even how to save them if you read it closely enough), but there is a point that I’d like to make, because it happens very often and it’s highly frustrating.

    On matches that have medium to bad connection (this is, in my case, almost every match) lag affects the time between the pressing of the button and the penalty shooting, so it can be difficult at times to get the green spot. Practice makes perfect, but you might want to add experience on this kind of delays.

    In other regards, thanks for explaining how to save those impossible penalties. i always do take them there because they’re so hard to get, especially with that power you recommended.

    1. Thank you for your comment.
      About your problem, I think the only way to handle with that is too see if you did everything possible to improve your connection. It is impossible to do it right with lag.

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