Join Us on Facebook and earn 750k Coins!

Join to our Facebook page and you could win 750k coins!


FIFA U Team Website

FIFA U Team was born in May 2012 with the goal of being the reference website for FIFA Ultimate Team issues. For this, we work every day with the will of bring you everything about this game.

Without you, there is no FIFA U Team. To build this project we need your support.

Add us to your favorites / bookmarks, visit us regularly, comment our articles, click on our ads and join us on our Facebook page.


FIFA U Team Facebook

Besides the FIFA U Team website, we have created for you a range of services that would make your FUT experience more complete. The best examples are the FIFA U Team forum, our videos channel (coming soon) and our Facebook page.


FIFA U Team Facebook Page


By clicking “like”, you will receive on first hand all the highlights of our website. But there’s more.

You will always stay informed about everything that goes on FUT with fresh and exclusive news, and learn about a community that has the same interests as you.


Giveaway 500k Coins!

It is very important for us to know who accompanies us on Facebook. It means that our work has value.

As launch campaign, our followers on Facebook will be able to earn 500k coins that will be distributed during the month of September. If it is not your case, join now!


Very soon we will reveal the details about this giveaway … visit us!


FIFA U Team – Everything About FIFA Ultimate Team


4 thoughts on “Join Us on Facebook and earn 750k Coins!”

  1. hey pls help i opened a 7500 coin pack it came and found a totw player
    then it came ea servers are unavailable pls try later
    can u help
    how to create a web app

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